Contact Us
Established in 1801, Marine Barracks Washington, is the "Oldest Post of the Corps" and has been the residence of every commandant of the Marine Corps since 1806. The selection of the site for the Barracks was a matter of personal interest to President Thomas Jefferson, who rode through Washington with Lt. Col. William Ward Burrows, the second commandant of the Marine Corps, in search of a suitable location. The site now occupied was approved due to its proximity to the Washington Navy Yard and because it was within easy marching distance of the Capitol.
Marine Barracks, 8th & I
Washington, D.C.
Mailing Address

Marine Barracks Washington
8th & I Streets SE
Washington, DC 20003

Officer of the Day

Phone: (202) 451-8319

Communication Strategy and Operations Office

Phone: (202) 433-2810

After Hours Duty Cell: (202) 247-6117


Phone: (202) 433-4073


External Media Query Form

Please complete the below form to submit an external media query to the Marine Barracks. If you have an urgent time-sensitive matter, please call (202) 433--2810 during normal business hours, and after hours, call the duty cell at (202) 247-6117.
